Course Description:

An introduction to the fundamental principles of physics with an emphasis in rigid-body mechanics. This course focusses on the classical theory of motion as understood using Newton’s laws and the conservation principles of energy and momentum.

Lesson Schedule
Lesson Date Topic Reading Homework Due
1 04-Sep Course Introduction Syllabus Intro MP
2 06-Sep Trig Review; Vectors: Addition Appendix A-2, Ch 3.1-3.2 Primer
3 09-Sep Vectors: Components Ch 3.2-3.4, 1.3 HW #03
4 11-Sep Introduction to Forces Ch 5.1-5.3 HW #04
5 13-Sep Newton's 1st Law: Inertia, Free-Body Diagrams Ch 5.6-5.7, 6.1 HW #05
6 16-Sep Newton's 1st Law: (Translational) Equilibrium Ch 5.7, 6.1 HW #06
7 18-Sep Motion, Kinematic Variables Ch 1.1-1.6 HW #07
8 20-Sep Instantaneous Values, Constant Acceleration Ch 2.1-2.4 HW #08
9 23-Sep Units and Dimensional Analysis Ch 1.8 HW #09
10 25-Sep Constant Acceleration: Free-Fall Ch 2.5-2.7 HW #10
11 27-Sep Newton's 2nd Law Ch 5.4, 5.5, 6.2 HW #11
12 30-Sep Dynamics: Mass, Weight, Weightlessness Ch 6.3 HW #12
E1 02-Oct Exam #1: Chapters 5, 6.1, 6.2, 1-3
13 04-Oct Newton's 3rd Law: Interactions, Action/Reaction Ch 7.1-7.3 HW #13
14 07-Oct Newton's 2nd & 3rd Laws: Defining Your System Ch 7.4-7.5, 6.6 HW #14
15 09-Oct Dynamics: Friction Ch 6.4-6.5 HW #15
16 11-Oct Motion in 2D: Projectiles Ch 4.1-4.2 HW #16
17 15-Oct Motion in 2D: Projectiles Ch 4.1-4.2 HW #17
18 16-Oct Motion in 2D: Circular Motion (Relative Mot. Optional) Ch 4.3-4.5 HW #18
19 18-Oct Dynamics: Circular Motion, UCM, Misc. Problems Ch 8.1-8.4 HW #19
20 21-Oct Vector (Cross) Product, Torque Ch 12.10, 12.5 HW #20
E2 23-Oct Exam #2: Chapters 4, 6-8
21 25-Oct Torque, Rotational Equilibrium, Center of Mass Ch 12.2, 12.5 HW #21
22 28-Oct Static Equilibrium Ch 12.8 HW #22
23 30-Oct Static Equilibrium Ch 12.8 HW #23
24 01-Nov Rotations and Angular Kinematics Ch 4.5-4.6, 12.1 HW #24
25 04-Nov Angular Kinematics and Rotational Dynamics Ch 12.4-12.7 HW #25
26 06-Nov Rotational Dynamics Ch 12.4-12.7 HW #26
27 08-Nov Intro to Work and Energy, Dot Product Ch 9.2-9.3 HW #27
E3 13-Nov Exam #3: Chapters 12, 4.5-4.6
28 15-Nov Work-Kinetic Energy Theorem Ch 9.1-9.5 HW #28
29 18-Nov Potential Energy, Gravitational Potential Energy Ch 10.1-10.3 HW #29
30 20-Nov Conservation of Energy Ch 10.4-10.7 HW #30
31 22-Nov Impulse and Momentum Ch 11.1-11.2 HW #31
32 25-Nov Conservation of Momentum, Collisions Ch 11.2-11.5 HW #32
33 02-Dec Misc. Problems with Energy, Momentum Ch 12.11 HW #33
34 04-Dec Angular Momentum Ch 9-11 HW #34
35 06-Dec Power, Last iclicker Problem Ch 9-11 HW #35
E4 09-Dec Exam #4, Chapters 9-11 HW #36
36 11-Dec Review
-- Advanced Topics: Equilibrium in 3D
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