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Textbook [Recommended, not Required]:

Physics for Physicists and Engineers, Vol. 1, 5th Ed., Knight.

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Closest match between sections in the course textbook and the OER textbook:

Lesson Topic Course Textbook OER Textbook
1 Course Introduction Syllabus Syllabus
2 Trig Review; Vectors: Addition Appendix A-2, Ch 3.1-3.2 Ch 2.1-2.3
3 Vectors: Components Ch 3.2-3.4, 1.3 Ch 2.4
4 Introduction to Forces Ch 5.1-5.3 Ch 2.5-2.7, 5.2
5 Newton's 1st Law: Inertia, Free-Body Diagrams Ch 5.6-5.7, 6.1 Ch 5.3, 5.7-5.8
6 Newton's 1st Law: (Translational) Equilibrium Ch 5.7, 6.1 Ch 5.3, 5.8, 6.2
7 Motion, Kinematic Variables Ch 1.1-1.6 Ch 3.1-3.4
8 Instantaneous Values, Constant Acceleration Ch 2.1-2.4 Ch 3.4-3.5
9 Units and Dimensional Analysis Ch 1.8 Ch 1.3-1.5
10 Constant Acceleration: Free-Fall Ch 2.5-2.7 Ch 3.7
11 Newton's 2nd Law Ch 5.4, 5.5, 6.2 Ch 5.4, 6.3
12 Dynamics: Mass, Weight, Weightlessness Ch 6.3 Ch 5.5, 6.2
13 Newton's 3rd Law: Interactions, Action/Reaction Ch 7.1-7.3 Ch 5.6
14 Newton's 2nd & 3rd Laws: Defining Your System Ch 7.4-7.5, 6.6 Ch 6.2, 5.8
15 Dynamics: Friction Ch 6.4-6.5 Ch 6.4, 6.5
16 Motion in 2D: Projectiles Ch 4.1-4.2 Ch 4.2-4.4
17 Motion in 2D: Projectiles Ch 4.1-4.2 Ch 4.2-4.4
18 Motion in 2D: Circular Motion (Relative Mot. Optional) Ch 4.3-4.5 Ch 4.5-4.6
19 Dynamics: Circular Motion, UCM, Misc. Problems Ch 8.1-8.4 Ch 6.6
20 Vector (Cross) Product, Torque Ch 12.10, 12.5 Ch 2.9, 10.7
21 Torque, Rotational Equilibrium, Center of Mass Ch 12.2, 12.5 Ch 9.9-9.10, 10.7
22 Static Equilibrium Ch 12.8 Ch 12.2-12.3
23 Static Equilibrium Ch 12.8 Ch 12.2-12.3
24 Rotations and Angular Kinematics Ch 4.5-4.6, 12.1 Ch 10.2-10.4
25 Angular Kinematics and Rotational Dynamics Ch 12.4-12.7 Ch 10.5-10.8
26 Rotational Dynamics Ch 12.4-12.7 Ch 10.5-10.8
27 Intro to Work and Energy, Dot Product Ch 9.2-9.3 Ch 2.8, 7.1-7.2
28 Work-Kinetic Energy Theorem Ch 9.1-9.5 Ch 7.3-7.4
29 Potential Energy, Gravitational Potential Energy Ch 10.1-10.3 Ch 8.1-8.3
30 Conservation of Energy Ch 10.4-10.7 Ch 8.4-8.6
31 Impulse and Momentum Ch 11.1-11.2 Ch 9.1-9.4
32 Conservation of Momentum, Collisions Ch 11.2-11.5 Ch 9.5-9.8
33 Misc. Problems with Energy, Momentum Ch 12.11 Ch 9.4, 9.7
34 Angular Momentum Ch 9-11 Ch 11.3-11.4
35 Power, Last iclicker Problem Ch 9-11 Ch 7.5